Archivos por Etiqueta: television


José-María defies common stereotypes. Although he was born in Almería, in the heart of Andalusia, those who know him are quick to point out that his excessive perfectionism in work seems «more Swiss than Spanish». Some would argue that José-María’s «Teutonic» work ethic has something to do with the fact that he has not only married a German, but has also spent long periods of time in that country as a foreign correspondent for the Spanish National Television (TVE). He not only covered the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, but became Bureau Chief in Berlin towards the end of the 1990s, covering the ups and downs of the reunification. However, the fact that José-María has spent most of his life darting across the globe as a journalist for TVE suggests that being a workaholic may be innate. Spending time as a foreign correspondent in Rabat, Sarajevo (during the siege), Madrid, Port-Au-Prince, Kinshasa, New York, Washington and finally Brussels, José María may have had to acclimatize to local cultures. But that has never meant adapting to local working hours, much to the annoyance of his family and friends.

Crisis y Periodismo

2966579979_5d0862d5a12Time Warner se hunde… ¿cómo se salva un imperio mediático? Así lo ven ellos. anuncia perdidas por valor de más de 24 mil millones de dólares. El imperio mediático del siglo XX ha perdido en el ultimo cuatrimestre mas de un bocado publicitario. La bolsa le está quitando la vida como el cable los millones. La revolución Gutemberg –siglo XV- acaba ahora en Bill Gates. El futuro es incierto y los medios (prensa, radio, televisión) tendrán que descubrir que se les acaba la exclusividad de los mensajes. McLuhan lleva muerto hace tiempo, pero con esta crisis ahora tambien salta la banca. Sigue leyendo

paul: two decades chasing the news

From the launch of the euro, to the eating habits of Icelanders; from the thoughts of a Nobel winning novelist to the impressions of an Afghan school girl enjoyingher first day in class, Paul Ames has spend two decades chasing the news. He has reported from Kigali , Kabul and Kinshasa, but the focus has always been Europe. Paul is used to firing questions to leaders at EU summits, talking strategy with NATO generals or working the Brussels diplomatic circuit to dig for scoops. Looking beyond Brussels , he’s sought to show how ordinary and extraordinary Europeans are affected by changes sweeping the continent, Scottish trawlermen struggling with shrinking cod quotas, Latvian soldiers switching from Warsaw Pact to Atlantic Alliance, unemployed steel workers facing life on the dole. An Englishman who has spent his working life on mainland Europe, mostly working for America ’s Associated Press, Paul has an international outlook and remains committed to the universal values of a journalism that is quick and compelling, factual and fair.

somos corresponsales

we are correspondents
siamo correspondenti
wir sind korrespondenten
nós somos correspondentes
نحن مراسلون
nous sommes des correspondants              
мы корреспонденты
wij zijn correspondenten
мы корреспонденты
somos corresponsales

paul: two decades chasing the news

From the launch of the euro, to the eating habits of Icelanders; from the thoughts of a Nobel winning novelist to the impressions of an Afghan school girl enjoyingher first day in class, Paul Ames has spend two decades chasing the news. He has reported from Kigali , Kabul and Kinshasa, but the focus has always been Europe. Paul is used to firing questions to leaders at EU summits, talking strategy with NATO generals or working the Brussels diplomatic circuit to dig for scoops. Looking beyond Brussels , he’s sought to show how ordinary and extraordinary Europeans are affected by changes sweeping the continent, Scottish trawlermen struggling with shrinking cod quotas, Latvian soldiers switching from Warsaw Pact to Atlantic Alliance, unemployed steel workers facing life on the dole. An Englishman who has spent his working life on mainland Europe, mostly working for America ’s Associated Press, Paul has an international outlook and remains committed to the universal values of a journalism that is quick and compelling, factual and fair.

los primeros en contarlo

llevo 48 horas sin dormir, y todavía nos queda un fin de semana lleno de entrevistas, de reencuentros familiares en dos berlines que se están conviertiendo en uno. son las 8 y media de la mañana del día 10 de noviembre de 1989: anoche cayó el muro de berlín y nosotros estábamos allí.

hoy, 19 años después, sigo teniendo las mismas ganas de buscar la noticia y de ser el primero en contarla. ahora dirijo una agencia de corresponsales, y calentamos motores para el despegue: queremos que nos conozcan no solo por ser los primeros, sino por nuestra exigencia profesional.

esa noche, en los dos berlines, viví los momentos más intensos y más hermosos de toda mi carrera: pero tuve la amargura profesional de que nos fallaran los satélites.

esa noche, y la siguiente y muchas más… nuestra señal no encontraba slot para salir de Berlín: hoy pueden caer todos los muros que quieran: con las nuevas tecnologías es difícil que volvamos a fallar a nuestra cita con las próximas noticias.